Free web hosting news

Here are some recent news and updates related to free web hosting:

1. Free hosting provider, InfinityFree, launches new website builder

InfinityFree, a popular free web hosting provider, has launched a new website builder that allows users to create websites without any coding knowledge. The builder offers a range of templates and drag-and-drop functionality. Source: Hosting Review

2. 000webhost, a free hosting provider, announces major upgrade

000webhost, a free web hosting provider, has announced a major upgrade to its platform, including improved performance, new features, and enhanced security. The upgrade aims to provide a better user experience for its users. Source: Web Hosting Talk

3. Free hosting provider, Zymic, shuts down due to financial issues

Zymic, a free web hosting provider, has announced that it will be shutting down due to financial issues. The company has been struggling to stay afloat and has decided to cease operations. Source: The Register

4. Free hosting provider, Freehostia, launches new control panel

Freehostia, a free web hosting provider, has launched a new control panel that offers a range of features, including a file manager, database manager, and email client. The new control panel aims to provide a more user-friendly experience for its users. Source: Web Hosting Geeks

5. Free hosting provider, AwardSpace, announces new features

AwardSpace, a free web hosting provider, has announced a range of new features, including a website builder, e-commerce tools, and improved security. The new features aim to provide a more comprehensive hosting experience for its users. Source: Hosting Advice

These are just a few recent news and updates related to free web hosting. If you're looking for a free web hosting provider, it's always a good idea to do your research and read reviews to find the best option for your needs.