Free video stock for news

Here are some free video stock footage websites that you can use for news purposes:

  1. Pexels: Pexels offers a vast library of high-quality, completely free stock videos, including news-related footage.
  2. Pixabay: Pixabay has a large collection of free stock videos, including news-related footage, that you can use for free.
  3. Videvo: Videvo offers a range of free stock videos, including news-related footage, that you can use for free.
  4. Freepik: Freepik offers a range of free stock videos, including news-related footage, that you can use for free.
  5. New Old Stock: New Old Stock offers a unique collection of vintage and retro stock footage that can be used for news purposes.
  6. CC Search: CC Search is a search engine that allows you to search for Creative Commons-licensed videos across multiple platforms, including YouTube, Vimeo, and more.
  7. Mixkit: Mixkit offers a range of free stock videos, including news-related footage, that you can use for free.
  8. Burst: Burst is a free stock video platform that offers a range of high-quality, royalty-free videos, including news-related footage.
  9. Stock Footage For Free: Stock Footage For Free offers a range of free stock videos, including news-related footage, that you can use for free.
  10. Videvo Motion Graphics: Videvo Motion Graphics offers a range of free motion graphics and animations that you can use for news purposes.

Please note that while these websites offer free stock footage, you should always check the licensing terms and conditions for each video to ensure that you are allowed to use it for your news purposes.