Free trending news and viral videos

Here are some trending news and viral videos from various sources:

Trending News:

  1. NASA's Perseverance Rover Discovers Evidence of Ancient Lake on Mars: NASA's Perseverance rover has found evidence of an ancient lake on Mars, which could have supported life. (Source: NASA)
  2. Elon Musk's Neuralink to Implant Chips in Humans by 2023: Elon Musk's neurotechnology company, Neuralink, plans to implant chips in humans by 2023, aiming to enhance human cognition and potentially treat medical conditions. (Source: The Verge)
  3. New Zealand Volcano Erupts, Spewing Ash and Lava: A volcano in New Zealand's White Island erupted on Monday, spewing ash and lava into the air and prompting evacuations. (Source: BBC News)
  4. China's Space Station to Crash to Earth in March: China's Tiangong-1 space station is expected to crash to Earth in March, with scientists unsure of its exact trajectory. (Source: CNN)
  5. India's COVID-19 Cases Surge, Hospitals Overwhelmed: India is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, with hospitals overwhelmed and the government imposing new restrictions to contain the spread. (Source: Al Jazeera)

Viral Videos:

  1. Dad's Emotional Reaction to Daughter's First Day of School: A heartwarming video of a dad's emotional reaction to his daughter's first day of school has gone viral, with many praising his love and support. (Source: YouTube)
  2. Cat's Hilarious Reaction to Vacuum Cleaner: A funny video of a cat's hilarious reaction to a vacuum cleaner has been viewed millions of times, with many laughing at the cat's antics. (Source: YouTube)
  3. Dog's Adorable Reaction to Seeing Owner After 2 Years: A heartwarming video of a dog's adorable reaction to seeing its owner after 2 years has gone viral, with many praising the dog's loyalty and affection. (Source: YouTube)
  4. Man's Epic Dance Routine to Taylor Swift Song: A viral video of a man's epic dance routine to a Taylor Swift song has been viewed millions of times, with many praising his energy and enthusiasm. (Source: YouTube)
  5. Baby's Hilarious Reaction to Trying New Food: A funny video of a baby's hilarious reaction to trying new food has been viewed millions of times, with many laughing at the baby's facial expressions. (Source: YouTube)

Please note that these are just a few examples of trending news and viral videos, and there may be other news and videos that are also popular and worth checking out.