Free submit url to news aggregator

Here are some free news aggregators that allow you to submit your URL:

  1. Alltop: Alltop is a news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their categories. They have a large network of bloggers and news sites that contribute to their platform.
  2. NewsBlur: NewsBlur is a news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their feed. They have a large community of users who contribute to their platform.
  3. FeedBurner: FeedBurner is a popular news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their feed. They have a large network of bloggers and news sites that contribute to their platform.
  4. Blogarama: Blogarama is a blog directory and news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their categories.
  5. Technorati: Technorati is a popular blog directory and news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their categories.
  6. BlogCatalog: BlogCatalog is a blog directory and news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their categories.
  7. Google News: Google News is a popular news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their feed. They have a large network of news sites that contribute to their platform.
  8. Yahoo News: Yahoo News is a popular news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their feed. They have a large network of news sites that contribute to their platform.
  9. Newsvine: Newsvine is a news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their feed. They have a large community of users who contribute to their platform.
  10. Pulse: Pulse is a news aggregator that allows you to submit your URL to be featured in their feed. They have a large network of bloggers and news sites that contribute to their platform.

Please note that each of these aggregators has its own submission guidelines and requirements, so be sure to review them before submitting your URL. Additionally, some aggregators may have a review process before your URL is approved, so be patient and don't get discouraged if it takes a few days for your URL to be featured.