Free sports news

Here are some free sports news sources:

  1. ESPN: While ESPN is a paid subscription service, they also offer a free version with limited content, including news, scores, and highlights.
  2. Sports Illustrated: SI's website offers a range of free sports news articles, including news, analysis, and features.
  3. Yahoo Sports: Yahoo's sports section offers a wide range of free sports news articles, including news, scores, and highlights.
  4. CBS Sports: CBS Sports offers a range of free sports news articles, including news, scores, and highlights.
  5. Fox Sports: Fox Sports offers a range of free sports news articles, including news, scores, and highlights.
  6. The Athletic: The Athletic is a subscription-based sports news site, but they also offer a free version with limited content, including news and analysis.
  7. Deadspin: Deadspin is a sports news site that offers a range of free articles, including news, analysis, and humor.
  8. SB Nation: SB Nation is a network of sports blogs that offers a range of free sports news articles, including news, analysis, and commentary.
  9. Sports Illustrated's The Cauldron: The Cauldron is a free sports news site that offers a range of articles, including news, analysis, and features.
  10. The Ringer: The Ringer is a sports and pop culture site that offers a range of free articles, including news, analysis, and commentary.

Some popular sports news podcasts that are free to listen to include:

  1. The Ringer's The Bill Simmons Podcast: A weekly podcast that covers a range of sports topics.
  2. ESPN's The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz: A daily podcast that covers a range of sports topics.
  3. The Athletic's The Athletic Football Podcast: A weekly podcast that covers the NFL.
  4. The Ringer's The NBA Show: A weekly podcast that covers the NBA.
  5. ESPN's The Ryen Russillo Podcast: A daily podcast that covers a range of sports topics.