Free news scroll script

Here is a basic script for a free news scroll in JavaScript and HTML:

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="news-scroll">
  <ul id="news-list"></ul>

<!-- JavaScript -->
  // News data (replace with your own data)
  const newsData = [
    { title: "News Item 1", text: "This is the text of news item 1." },
    { title: "News Item 2", text: "This is the text of news item 2." },
    { title: "News Item 3", text: "This is the text of news item 3." },
    // Add more news items here...

  // Function to generate the news list
  function generateNewsList() {
    const newsList = document.getElementById("news-list");
    newsList.innerHTML = "";
    newsData.forEach((item) => {
      const listItem = document.createElement("li");
      listItem.innerHTML = `

  // Function to scroll the news list
  function scrollNewsList() {
    const newsList = document.getElementById("news-list");
    newsList.scrollTop = newsList.scrollHeight;

  // Call the functions to generate and scroll the news list
  setInterval(scrollNewsList, 5000); // Scroll every 5 seconds

This script creates a news list with a list of news items, and then uses JavaScript to generate the list and scroll it every 5 seconds. You can customize the script by adding more news items, changing the scrolling interval, or modifying the HTML and CSS to fit your needs.

Here's a breakdown of the script:

You can add more news items to the newsData array, and modify the generateNewsList() and scrollNewsList() functions to fit your needs. You can also add CSS styles to customize the appearance of the news list.