Free news one click demo import

You're looking to import the Free News One Click demo into your WordPress website!

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you do so:


  1. Make sure you have a WordPress website installed and running on your server.
  2. Ensure that you have the necessary plugins installed, such as:
    • WordPress Importer (comes pre-installed with WordPress)
    • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) (if you want to import custom fields)

Importing the Free News One Click Demo:

  1. Download the demo content: Go to the Free News One Click demo website and click on the "Download Demo" button. You'll receive a ZIP file containing the demo content.
  2. Extract the ZIP file: Extract the ZIP file to a folder on your computer. This will give you a folder containing the demo content, including posts, pages, images, and other files.
  3. Upload the demo content to your WordPress website: Log in to your WordPress website's dashboard and go to the "Tools" menu. Click on "Import" and select "WordPress" as the import type. Choose the "Upload file and import" option and select the ZIP file you extracted earlier.
  4. Select the import options: Choose the "Free News One Click" demo as the import file and select the "Posts" and "Pages" options to import. You can also choose to import custom fields, if you have ACF installed.
  5. Start the import process: Click the "Upload file and import" button to start the import process. This may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the demo content.
  6. Configure the demo content: After the import process is complete, you'll need to configure the demo content to match your website's settings. This includes setting up the theme, plugins, and custom fields.

Tips and Variations:

That's it! With these steps, you should be able to successfully import the Free News One Click demo into your WordPress website.