Free news alerts on mobile phone

Here are some ways to get free news alerts on your mobile phone:

  1. News Apps:
    • Download news apps like BBC News, CNN, Fox News, Al Jazeera, or your local news station's app. Most of these apps offer customizable news alerts.
    • Some popular news apps that offer free alerts include:
      • Apple News (iOS)
      • Google News (Android)
      • Flipboard (iOS, Android)
      • News360 (iOS, Android)
  2. Push Notification Services:
    • Services like Pushbullet (iOS, Android) or IFTTT (iOS, Android) allow you to create custom news alerts based on specific keywords or topics.
    • You can also use services like Google Alerts (web-based) or NewsAlerts (iOS, Android) to receive news alerts on your mobile phone.
  3. RSS Feeds:
    • Subscribe to your favorite news sources' RSS feeds and use an RSS reader app like Feedly (iOS, Android) or NewsBlur (iOS, Android) to receive news alerts.
  4. SMS Alerts:
    • Some news organizations offer SMS alerts for free. For example, you can sign up for CNN's SMS alerts or BBC News' SMS alerts.
  5. Browser Extensions:
    • Install browser extensions like News Alert (Chrome) or Newsify (Firefox) to receive news alerts on your mobile phone.
  6. Social Media:
    • Follow your favorite news sources on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Many news organizations share breaking news and updates on these platforms.

Remember to always check the settings and permissions for each app or service to ensure you're comfortable with the level of access they require.