Free new living translation bible download for pc

Here are a few options to download the New Living Translation (NLT) Bible for free on your PC:

  1. YouVersion: You can download the NLT Bible for free from YouVersion, a popular Bible app. YouVersion offers a wide range of translations, including the NLT. To download, follow these steps:
    • Go to
    • Click on "Download" and select "Windows" as your operating system.
    • Choose the NLT translation and click "Download."
    • Follow the installation instructions to install the app on your PC.
  2. E-Sword: E-Sword is a free Bible study software that offers the NLT translation. To download, follow these steps:
    • Go to
    • Click on "Download" and select "Windows" as your operating system.
    • Choose the NLT translation and click "Download."
    • Follow the installation instructions to install the software on your PC.
  3. Blue Letter Bible: Blue Letter Bible is another free online Bible study resource that offers the NLT translation. To download, follow these steps:
    • Go to
    • Click on "Download" and select "Windows" as your operating system.
    • Choose the NLT translation and click "Download."
    • Follow the installation instructions to install the software on your PC.
  4. NLT Bible App: The NLT Bible app is a free app that offers the New Living Translation Bible. To download, follow these steps:
    • Go to
    • Click on "Download" and select "Windows" as your operating system.
    • Follow the installation instructions to install the app on your PC.

Please note that while these options are free, some may have limitations or ads. Additionally, be sure to check the copyright and usage rights for each translation before downloading and using it.