Free good news bible esdras

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that the book of Esdras is not part of the traditional Protestant Bible, and it's not widely recognized as a canonical book by most Christian denominations.

That being said, if you're interested in reading the book of Esdras, it's available in various forms online. Here are a few options:

  1. The New American Bible (NAB) includes the book of Esdras as part of its Apocrypha. You can find the NAB online or purchase a physical copy.
  2. The Revised Standard Version (RSV) also includes the book of Esdras in its Apocrypha. You can find the RSV online or purchase a physical copy.
  3. The Catholic Bible includes the book of Esdras as part of its Deuterocanonical books. You can find the Catholic Bible online or purchase a physical copy.
  4. You can also find online translations of the book of Esdras in various languages, including Greek, Latin, and other ancient languages.

Here's a free online version of the book of Esdras in the New American Bible (NAB) translation:

Please note that the book of Esdras is not considered authoritative by most Protestant denominations, and its canonicity is disputed among Christian scholars. However, it remains an important part of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions.