Fred kept his cool during abuse didnt do a dier parker hails most improved player at man utd

It seems like you're trying to make a connection between Fred's ability to keep his cool during abuse and being named the most improved player at Manchester United. Here's a breakdown of what you're saying:

While it's true that Fred has been praised for his improved performances at Manchester United, it's important to note that there are many factors that contribute to a player's success and improvement. It's not just about keeping a cool head under pressure, but also about hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

That being said, Fred has indeed shown significant improvement since joining Manchester United in 2018. He has become a regular starter for the team and has played a key role in their midfield. His ability to control the tempo of the game, distribute the ball effectively, and make intelligent runs has been particularly impressive.

So, while keeping a cool head under pressure is certainly an important quality for a footballer, it's not the only factor that contributed to Fred's success and improvement at Manchester United.