Fraud of voters papers was caught news nigerian

You're referring to a recent news story about voter fraud in Nigeria!

Yes, there have been reports of voter fraud in Nigeria, particularly during the 2019 general elections. In fact, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) had to cancel the results of some polling units due to irregularities and allegations of vote-buying.

According to reports, some individuals and political parties were accused of tampering with voters' papers, including altering names, ages, and addresses on the voters' register. This was done to enable them to vote multiple times or to disenfranchise opposition party supporters.

The Nigerian government and INEC have taken steps to address these issues, including setting up a committee to investigate the allegations of voter fraud. The committee has recommended measures to improve the electoral process, such as the use of technology to verify voters' identities and the deployment of more security personnel to polling stations.

It's worth noting that voter fraud is a serious issue in many countries, including Nigeria, and it's essential to ensure the integrity of the electoral process to maintain public trust in the democratic system.

Here are some recent news articles on the topic:

I hope this information is helpful!