Frankfurt to new york flight status

I'd be happy to help you with the flight status from Frankfurt to New York!

To get the latest flight status, I'll need to know a few more details from you. Could you please provide me with the following information:

  1. The airline you're flying with (e.g. Lufthansa, United, American Airlines, etc.)
  2. The flight number (e.g. LH123, UA456, AA789, etc.)
  3. The date and time of your flight

Once I have this information, I can check the flight status for you and provide you with the latest updates on your flight's departure, arrival, and any potential delays or changes.

Alternatively, you can also check the flight status on the airline's website or through a flight tracking website such as FlightAware or FlightRadar24.

Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!