Frank luntz fox news

Frank Luntz is a well-known American pollster, strategist, and commentator who has worked with various political campaigns and organizations, including Fox News. Here are some key points about Frank Luntz and his relationship with Fox News:

  1. Pollster and strategist: Luntz is the founder of Luntz Global, a polling and research firm that provides strategic advice to corporations, non-profits, and political campaigns.
  2. Fox News contributor: Luntz has been a frequent contributor to Fox News, appearing on various programs, including "Hannity," "Tucker Carlson Tonight," and "The Ingraham Angle." He often provides analysis and commentary on political issues, elections, and public opinion.
  3. Focus groups and research: Luntz is known for his focus groups and research on public opinion, which he uses to help clients and campaigns understand voter attitudes and preferences. He has conducted numerous focus groups and surveys for Fox News, providing insights on topics such as politics, social issues, and cultural trends.
  4. Conservative leanings: Luntz is generally considered a conservative, and his work and commentary often reflect this perspective. However, he has also worked with Democratic clients and has been critical of some Republican policies and politicians.
  5. Controversies and criticisms: Luntz has faced criticism for his methods and biases. Some have accused him of manipulating public opinion through his focus groups and research, while others have questioned the accuracy and representativeness of his findings.
  6. Book author: Luntz has written several books on politics and public opinion, including "Words That Work: It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear" and "The New York Times Bestseller: What Americans Really Want... and the Surprising Truth About Their Values, Happiness, and How You Can Get More of What You Want."
  7. Media appearances: In addition to his work on Fox News, Luntz has appeared on other TV programs, including CNN, MSNBC, and ABC News. He has also been a guest on various radio shows and podcasts.

Overall, Frank Luntz is a well-known and influential figure in the world of politics and public opinion research, with a strong presence on Fox News and other media outlets.