Frag your friends with news alert

I see what you did there! "Frag" is a popular internet slang term that means to surprise or shock someone with unexpected news. And "news alert" is a common phrase used to grab attention and convey important information.

So, if I were to "frag" my friends with a news alert, I might say something like:

"NEWS ALERT! Did you hear that [insert shocking or surprising news here]?! I just found out and I'm still reeling from the shock! What do you think about it?"

Or, if I wanted to be a bit more playful, I might say:

"FRAG ALERT! Just got the most epic news ever! [Insert surprising news here]! I'm still trying to process it all... but I had to share it with you guys ASAP! What's your reaction?"

Of course, the key to "fragging" your friends with a news alert is to make sure the news is actually surprising and interesting, and that you're not just sharing something mundane or boring. You want to make sure you're giving your friends a reason to be excited or shocked, and to keep them engaged and curious!