Fr mbaka latest news 2018

I think you meant "Fr. Mbaka latest news 2018". Fr. Mbaka is a popular Nigerian Catholic priest and the Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria.

Here are some of the latest news about Fr. Mbaka in 2018:

  1. Prophecy on the 2019 Presidential Election: In January 2018, Fr. Mbaka made a prophecy about the 2019 presidential election, predicting that the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Muhammadu Buhari, would win the election. His prophecy sparked controversy and debate in Nigeria.
  2. Controversy over his prophecy: Fr. Mbaka's prophecy on the presidential election sparked controversy, with some people accusing him of being biased and others questioning the authenticity of his prophecy. The Catholic Church in Nigeria also distanced itself from his prophecy, saying that it was not an official statement of the Church.
  3. Fr. Mbaka's response to critics: In response to the controversy, Fr. Mbaka defended his prophecy, saying that he was only speaking the mind of God. He also accused his critics of being jealous and trying to silence him.
  4. Fr. Mbaka's call for prayers for Nigeria: In August 2018, Fr. Mbaka called on Nigerians to pray for the country, saying that it was facing a lot of challenges and needed divine intervention. He also urged Nigerians to repent and turn to God.
  5. Fr. Mbaka's message on the importance of prayer: Throughout 2018, Fr. Mbaka continued to emphasize the importance of prayer in his messages and sermons. He encouraged Nigerians to pray regularly and to seek God's guidance and protection in their lives.

These are some of the latest news about Fr. Mbaka in 2018. As a popular figure in Nigeria, Fr. Mbaka's activities and messages often generate a lot of interest and controversy.