Fox news trumps on isreal

Fox News and its hosts have been known to have a strong pro-Israel stance, and many of them have been vocal supporters of the Israeli government and its policies. Here are some examples:

  1. Sean Hannity: Hannity has been a long-time supporter of Israel and has often criticized the Obama administration for its perceived lack of support for the country. He has also been critical of the Iran nuclear deal and has argued that it is a threat to Israel's security.
  2. Tucker Carlson: Carlson has also been a strong supporter of Israel and has argued that the country is facing a unique set of challenges in the Middle East. He has been critical of the Palestinian Authority and has argued that it is not a viable partner for peace.
  3. Laura Ingraham: Ingraham has been a vocal supporter of Israel and has argued that the country is facing a existential threat from Iran and other regional powers. She has also been critical of the Obama administration's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  4. Jeanine Pirro: Pirro has been a strong supporter of Israel and has argued that the country is facing a unique set of challenges in the Middle East. She has been critical of the Palestinian Authority and has argued that it is not a viable partner for peace.
  5. Mark Levin: Levin has been a vocal supporter of Israel and has argued that the country is facing a existential threat from Iran and other regional powers. He has also been critical of the Obama administration's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Some examples of Fox News coverage on Israel include:

It's worth noting that while Fox News has a strong pro-Israel stance, the network also has a diverse range of opinions and perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Some Fox News hosts, such as Shepard Smith, have been critical of Israeli policies and have argued that the country's treatment of Palestinians is unjust.