Fox news trump speech

You're referring to the speech delivered by former President Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February 2023. Here's a summary of the speech:

Main Points:

  1. Re-election bid: Trump announced that he will run for president again in 2024, stating that he is the only one who can "save America" from the current state of politics.
  2. Election fraud: Trump reiterated his claims of widespread election fraud in the 2020 presidential election, saying that the election was "rigged" and that he was the true winner.
  3. Border security: Trump emphasized the importance of border security, calling for a wall along the US-Mexico border and criticizing Democrats for their stance on immigration.
  4. Economy: Trump touted his economic record, claiming that the economy was "booming" during his presidency and that he was responsible for the country's economic growth.
  5. Social issues: Trump touched on social issues, such as abortion, saying that he is "pro-life" and that he will appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution.
  6. China: Trump criticized China, saying that the country is "ripping us off" and that he will continue to take a tough stance on trade with China.

Notable Quotes:

  1. "We're going to win so bigly, folks, believe me."
  2. "The election was rigged, folks. It was a disaster."
  3. "I'm the only one who can save America. Nobody else can do it."
  4. "We're going to build that wall, and we're going to make Mexico pay for it."
  5. "The economy was booming, folks. It was the best it's ever been."


The speech was met with applause and cheers from the CPAC crowd, which was largely composed of Trump supporters. However, many Democrats and some Republicans criticized the speech, saying that Trump's claims of election fraud were baseless and that his rhetoric was divisive.

Fox News Coverage:

Fox News, which is known for its conservative leanings, provided extensive coverage of the speech, with many of its anchors and pundits praising Trump's message and delivery. Fox News personalities such as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham all praised Trump's speech, with Hannity calling it "one of the greatest speeches I've ever seen."