Fox news trump interview

You're referring to the infamous interview between Fox News and Donald Trump!

On November 20, 2018, Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum conducted an exclusive interview with President Donald Trump at the White House. The interview was widely covered in the media and sparked controversy due to Trump's responses on various topics.

Here are some key takeaways from the interview:

  1. Migrant Caravan: Trump claimed that the migrant caravan heading towards the US-Mexico border was "not a good situation" and that he was considering deploying the military to stop it. He also stated that the caravan was "a disaster" and that the US would not allow it to enter the country.
  2. Border Wall: Trump reiterated his demand for a border wall along the US-Mexico border, saying that it was "necessary" and that the US would "build it" regardless of opposition from Democrats.
  3. Mueller Investigation: Trump denied any wrongdoing in the Mueller investigation, calling it a "witch hunt" and stating that he was "not a crook."
  4. Russia Investigation: Trump claimed that the Russia investigation was "a hoax" and that he had "nothing to do" with Russian interference in the 2016 election.
  5. Impeachment: Trump stated that he was "not worried" about being impeached, saying that it would be a "bad thing" for the country.
  6. Economy: Trump praised the state of the US economy, saying that it was "the best it's ever been" and that he had "created millions of jobs."
  7. China Trade War: Trump claimed that the US was "winning" the trade war with China, saying that China was "paying a lot of tariffs" and that the US was "doing very well."

The interview was widely criticized by Democrats and some Republicans, who accused Trump of spreading misinformation and making divisive statements. Fox News was also criticized for allowing Trump to make such claims without fact-checking or challenging him on the facts.

What do you think about the interview?