Fox news sunday shows

Fox News Sunday is a weekly news program that airs on Sundays on the Fox News Channel. The show is hosted by Chris Wallace and features a panel of guests, including politicians, journalists, and experts, who discuss the top news stories of the week.

Here is a list of the regular segments and guests that typically appear on Fox News Sunday:

  1. Opening Panel: The show begins with a panel of guests, including politicians, journalists, and experts, who discuss the top news stories of the week.
  2. Chris Wallace's Interview: Chris Wallace conducts an in-depth interview with a prominent newsmaker, such as a politician, business leader, or celebrity.
  3. Power Player of the Week: The show features a segment on a person who has made a significant impact in their field or in the news.
  4. Sunday Spotlight: The show highlights a story or issue that is not getting enough attention in the mainstream media.
  5. The Week in Review: The show wraps up with a review of the top news stories of the week, with Chris Wallace and his panel discussing the implications and what to expect in the coming week.

Some of the regular guests who appear on Fox News Sunday include:

  1. Brit Hume: A veteran journalist and commentator who appears on the show to provide analysis and insights.
  2. Juan Williams: A journalist and commentator who appears on the show to provide liberal perspectives and analysis.
  3. Mara Liasson: A journalist and commentator who appears on the show to provide analysis and insights on politics and policy.
  4. Bill Kristol: A conservative commentator and founder of the Weekly Standard who appears on the show to provide analysis and insights.
  5. Kirsten Powers: A journalist and commentator who appears on the show to provide liberal perspectives and analysis.

Some of the notable guests who have appeared on Fox News Sunday in the past include:

  1. President Donald Trump
  2. Former President Barack Obama
  3. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  4. Senator Ted Cruz
  5. Senator Bernie Sanders
  6. Governor Mike Pence
  7. Governor Chris Christie
  8. Senator Marco Rubio
  9. Senator Elizabeth Warren
  10. Former Vice President Joe Biden

Fox News Sunday is a popular and influential news program that provides in-depth analysis and insights on the top news stories of the week.