Fox news political map

The infamous Fox News political map!

The Fox News political map is a widely-circulated map that shows the results of the 2016 presidential election in the United States, with a red and blue color scheme to represent the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively. The map was created by Fox News and has been widely shared and discussed online.

Here's a brief overview of the map:

Red states: The map shows 30 states that were won by Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, in the 2016 presidential election. These states are colored red and are predominantly located in the South, Midwest, and West.

Blue states: The map shows 20 states that were won by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate, in the 2016 presidential election. These states are colored blue and are predominantly located in the Northeast, West Coast, and Upper Midwest.

Swing states: The map also highlights 8 swing states that were won by Trump, but were considered to be competitive during the election. These states are colored purple and include Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Hampshire.

Notable features:

Criticisms and controversies:

Overall, the Fox News political map is a widely-circulated and influential visual representation of the 2016 presidential election results. While it has been subject to criticism and controversy, it remains a popular and widely-discussed map in the world of politics and media.