Fox news mag

You're referring to Fox News Magazine, a now-defunct publication that was launched in 1998 and ceased print publication in 2011. Fox News Magazine was a monthly news magazine that was published by Fox News, a 24-hour cable news channel.

The magazine was known for its conservative slant and featured articles on politics, news, and current events, as well as lifestyle and entertainment pieces. It was aimed at a general audience and was available by subscription or at newsstands.

Fox News Magazine was often criticized for its biased reporting and sensationalized headlines, which were seen as promoting a conservative agenda. The magazine was also accused of spreading misinformation and propaganda.

In 2011, Fox News announced that it would be discontinuing the publication of Fox News Magazine due to declining circulation and revenue. The magazine's final issue was published in December 2011.

It's worth noting that while Fox News Magazine is no longer in publication, Fox News Channel continues to operate and is one of the most widely watched cable news channels in the United States.