Fox news live 1799

I think there may be a small issue here!

Fox News was not founded until 1996, so it's not possible for there to be a "Fox News Live" broadcast in 1799. In fact, the first televisions weren't even invented until the late 1800s, and television news broadcasts didn't become common until the mid-20th century.

In 1799, the primary means of disseminating news were through print media, such as newspapers and pamphlets, as well as word of mouth and oral tradition. There were no television networks or 24-hour news cycles like we have today.

If you're looking for historical news sources from 1799, you might want to try searching for newspapers from that time period, such as the Pennsylvania Gazette or the New York Gazette. These newspapers would have reported on local and national news, as well as international events, in a written format.