Fox news latest youtube

Here are the latest videos from Fox News on YouTube:

Top 5 Latest Videos:

  1. "Biden's Border Crisis: Thousands of Migrants Surge into US" (Uploaded 1 hour ago)
    • Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reports on the surge of migrants at the US-Mexico border.
  2. "Tucker Carlson Tonight: The Left's War on Free Speech" (Uploaded 2 hours ago)
    • Tucker Carlson discusses the latest attacks on free speech and the left's efforts to silence conservative voices.
  3. "Hannity: The Biden Administration's Disastrous Handling of the Border Crisis" (Uploaded 3 hours ago)
    • Sean Hannity discusses the Biden administration's handling of the border crisis and the consequences for American citizens.
  4. "The Five: The Left's Double Standard on Protests and Riots" (Uploaded 4 hours ago)
    • The hosts of The Five discuss the left's double standard on protests and riots, and how they are treated differently depending on the political affiliation of the protesters.
  5. "Fox News Rundown: The Latest on the Border Crisis and the Economy" (Uploaded 5 hours ago)
    • The Fox News Rundown team discusses the latest developments on the border crisis and the economy, including the impact of inflation and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Please note that the latest videos may change over time, and this list is only a snapshot of the latest videos available on Fox News' YouTube channel.