Fox news in print

Fox News in print! While Fox News is primarily a television network, they do have a presence in print media through their various publications and partnerships. Here are some examples:

  1. Fox News Magazine: This is a monthly magazine that was launched in 2011 and is available in print and digital formats. It features news, analysis, and commentary from Fox News personalities, as well as in-depth reporting on current events and issues.
  2. The Hill: While not exclusively a Fox News publication, The Hill is a popular online news site that often features Fox News personalities and contributors. They also publish a print edition, which is available in Washington, D.C. and other select locations.
  3. National Review: This conservative magazine has been around since 1955 and has a long history of publishing opinion pieces and commentary from prominent conservatives, including Fox News personalities like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.
  4. The Weekly Standard: Another conservative magazine, The Weekly Standard was founded in 1995 and has been a leading voice in conservative politics and culture. While it ceased print publication in 2018, its archives are still available online.
  5. Fox News Books: Fox News has published several books over the years, often written by their personalities or featuring their commentary. These books cover a range of topics, from politics and current events to memoirs and self-help.

Some notable Fox News personalities who have written books include:

These are just a few examples of Fox News in print. While the network's primary focus is on television, they do have a significant presence in print media through their various publications and partnerships.