Fox news impeach trump

I think there may be some confusion here!

Fox News is a conservative-leaning American news channel, and while they have been critical of some of President Trump's actions, they have not called for his impeachment.

In fact, Fox News has been a strong supporter of President Trump and has often defended him against criticism from other news outlets. Many of the network's hosts and commentators have been vocal in their opposition to impeachment and have argued that the process is politically motivated.

That being said, there have been some instances where Fox News personalities have criticized President Trump's actions, particularly with regards to his handling of the Mueller investigation and his dealings with Ukraine. However, these criticisms have been relatively rare and have not been part of a broader call for impeachment.

It's worth noting that the impeachment inquiry was initiated by House Democrats, who are the majority party in the House of Representatives. The inquiry was sparked by a whistleblower complaint about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine, and it has led to the testimony of numerous witnesses and the release of documents related to the matter.

Ultimately, the decision to impeach President Trump was made by the House of Representatives, which voted to impeach him on two articles: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The Senate then held a trial, and President Trump was acquitted on both charges.