Fox news google app ad on facebook

A curious combination!

It's not uncommon for Google Ads to appear on Facebook, as both platforms are owned by Meta (formerly Facebook, Inc.) and have a strong presence in the digital advertising landscape.

Regarding the specific ad you mentioned, it's likely that a Google Ads campaign targeting Fox News-related keywords or interests is being displayed on Facebook. Here's a possible explanation:

  1. Targeting: The ad is likely targeting users who have shown interest in Fox News, politics, or conservative news, based on their Facebook activity, interests, or demographics.
  2. Google Ads: The ad is a Google Ads campaign, which means it's being served through Google's advertising platform. Google Ads can be displayed on various websites, including Facebook, through a process called "demand-side platforms" (DSPs).
  3. Facebook Audience Network: Facebook's Audience Network is a platform that allows advertisers to extend their ads to other mobile apps and websites, including those that are not owned by Facebook. This allows advertisers to reach their target audience across multiple platforms.
  4. Ad placement: The ad is being displayed on Facebook, likely in the form of a mobile app ad or a desktop ad, depending on the user's device and browsing behavior.

It's worth noting that Google Ads and Facebook Ads have different targeting options, ad formats, and bidding strategies. However, both platforms share the goal of helping advertisers reach their target audience and drive conversions.

If you're concerned about the ad or would like to learn more about how to manage your ad preferences on Facebook, you can visit Facebook's Ad Preferences page or contact their support team.