Fox news banned in the uk

Fox News is not banned in the UK, but it is not widely available in the country either. Here's why:

  1. Licensing issues: Fox News is a US-based cable news channel that is not licensed to broadcast in the UK. In the UK, TV channels must obtain a license from Ofcom, the UK's communications regulator, to broadcast in the country. Fox News has not obtained a license to broadcast in the UK.
  2. Sky TV: Fox News is available in the UK through Sky TV, a satellite television provider. However, Sky TV only offers Fox News as part of its premium package, which requires a subscription. This limits the channel's availability to a smaller audience.
  3. Streaming services: Fox News is not available on popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or BBC iPlayer in the UK. This is because these services typically only offer content that is licensed for distribution in the UK.
  4. Alternative news sources: The UK has a wide range of news sources, including BBC News, ITV News, Sky News, and Al Jazeera, which provide coverage of international news, including US politics and current events.

It's worth noting that while Fox News is not widely available in the UK, some UK-based news outlets, such as The Guardian and The Independent, do carry articles and analysis about Fox News and its coverage of US politics.

In summary, while Fox News is not banned in the UK, its availability is limited due to licensing issues and the fact that it is not widely distributed through popular streaming services.