Fox news alert

I'm happy to provide you with a fictional Fox News alert! Keep in mind that this is just for entertainment purposes and not meant to be taken seriously.


"Fox News has just received word that a shocking development has rocked the nation! According to sources close to the situation, a group of rogue squirrels has been spotted stealing acorns from the White House lawn!

Details are still coming in, but eyewitnesses claim the squirrels were seen scurrying around the Rose Garden, snatching acorns from unsuspecting tourists. The White House Press Secretary has issued a statement, saying, 'We take these allegations very seriously and are working closely with the Secret Service to get to the bottom of this nutty situation.'

Stay tuned for further updates as this story continues to unfold. In the meantime, we urge all Americans to remain calm and to keep a watchful eye on their snack stashes.

This is [anchor name] reporting for Fox News. Back to you in the studio."