Fox news 2012 election error pie chart

You're referring to the infamous "Fox News Election Day Map" from the 2012 presidential election!

On Election Day, November 6, 2012, Fox News aired a graphic showing a map of the United States with states colored in to reflect the network's projected electoral vote count. However, the map incorrectly showed Mitt Romney winning the election, with 201 electoral votes to Barack Obama's 147.

The error was due to a faulty algorithm used by the network's data provider, which incorrectly counted some of the votes. The mistake was not caught until after the polls had closed, and it was widely criticized on social media and by other news organizations.

Here's a pie chart showing the actual electoral vote count:

Barack Obama (D) - 332 electoral votes Mitt Romney (R) - 206 electoral votes

The correct map looked like this:

[Image description: A map of the United States with states colored in to reflect the actual electoral vote count. The map shows a majority of states voting for Barack Obama, with a few states voting for Mitt Romney.]

Fox News apologized for the error and corrected the map shortly after it was aired. The incident highlighted the importance of fact-checking and verifying information, especially in high-stakes elections.