Fortify fight the new drug

Fortify is a non-profit organization that aims to prevent drug use and addiction among youth. Their slogan is "Fight the New Drug" and they use a variety of methods to educate young people about the dangers of drug use.

Here are some of the ways Fortify fights the new drug:

  1. Education: Fortify provides educational resources and workshops to help young people understand the risks and consequences of drug use. They also offer training for educators and parents to help them talk to their kids about drug use.
  2. Awareness campaigns: Fortify runs awareness campaigns to educate young people about the dangers of drug use. They use social media, posters, and other forms of advertising to reach their target audience.
  3. Support for parents: Fortify offers support and resources for parents who are concerned about their child's drug use. They provide information on how to talk to their kids about drug use, how to recognize the signs of drug use, and how to get help if their child is using drugs.
  4. Community outreach: Fortify works with community organizations and schools to provide drug education and prevention programs. They also offer resources and support for young people who are struggling with drug addiction.
  5. Online resources: Fortify provides online resources and support for young people who are struggling with drug addiction. They offer information on drug use, addiction, and recovery, as well as resources for finding help and support.

Overall, Fortify is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to preventing drug use and addiction among youth. They use a variety of methods to educate young people about the dangers of drug use and to support those who are struggling with addiction.