Forms of news story

There are several forms of news stories, including:

  1. Hard News: A factual, objective report on a current event or issue, often with a focus on the who, what, when, where, and why.
  2. Feature Story: A more in-depth, human-interest piece that explores the impact of an event or issue on individuals or communities.
  3. Analysis: A story that provides context, interpretation, and commentary on a news event or issue, often including expert opinions and analysis.
  4. Profile: A story that focuses on a specific person, organization, or group, highlighting their achievements, challenges, and perspectives.
  5. Investigative Report: A in-depth, research-based story that uncovers new information or reveals wrongdoing, often involving a significant amount of reporting and investigation.
  6. Human Interest Story: A story that focuses on a personal or emotional aspect of a news event or issue, often with a focus on the human impact or consequences.
  7. Breaking News: A story that reports on a sudden, unexpected event or development, often with a focus on the immediate impact and reaction.
  8. Follow-up Story: A story that updates readers on a previous news event or issue, often providing new information or insights.
  9. Series: A collection of related stories that explore a single topic or issue in-depth, often over a period of time.
  10. Special Report: A comprehensive, in-depth report on a specific topic or issue, often including analysis, commentary, and expert opinions.
  11. Interview: A story that features a conversation with a newsmaker, expert, or individual affected by a news event or issue.
  12. Op-Ed: A commentary piece that expresses the opinion of the author on a specific topic or issue, often with a focus on analysis and perspective.
  13. Editorial: A commentary piece that reflects the opinion of the publication or organization on a specific topic or issue, often with a focus on analysis and perspective.
  14. Review: A story that evaluates or critiques a product, service, or event, often with a focus on its quality, effectiveness, or impact.
  15. Listicle: A story that presents information in a list format, often with a focus on a specific topic or issue.
  16. Infographic: A visual representation of information, often used to present complex data or statistics in an easy-to-understand format.
  17. Podcast: An audio-based story that explores a specific topic or issue, often featuring interviews, analysis, and commentary.
  18. Video Story: A story that uses video to present information, often featuring interviews, footage, and analysis.
  19. Interactive Story: A story that allows readers to engage with the content in a more interactive way, often through quizzes, polls, or games.
  20. Data-Driven Story: A story that uses data and statistics to present information, often with a focus on analysis and visualization.

These are just a few examples of the many forms of news stories that exist. The specific form of a story will often depend on the topic, audience, and purpose of the publication.