Former scotland leader in court on sex charges

You're referring to the recent news about Alex Salmond, the former First Minister of Scotland, who has been accused of sexual misconduct.

On January 24, 2020, Alex Salmond appeared in court in Edinburgh, Scotland, to face 13 charges of sexual assault and attempted rape, allegedly committed against 10 women while he was in office as First Minister from 2007 to 2014. The charges include allegations of sexual assault, attempted rape, and indecent assault.

The allegations against Salmond were made public in August 2018, and he has consistently denied any wrongdoing. He has claimed that the allegations are "politically motivated" and part of a "witch hunt" against him.

The trial is expected to last several weeks, and it's a highly controversial and sensitive case that has sparked widespread debate and discussion in Scotland. The case has also raised questions about the handling of sexual misconduct allegations in the Scottish government and the #MeToo movement.

It's worth noting that Salmond has been a prominent figure in Scottish politics for many years, and his trial has attracted significant media attention and public interest. The case is being closely followed by the Scottish public, and many are waiting to see the outcome of the trial and the impact it may have on Scottish politics.