Former president nigerians diaspora charges fg loosen boundaries food export #comments

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by a former President of Nigeria, possibly Olusegun Obasanjo, regarding the Nigerian diaspora and food export. Here's a breakdown of the points you mentioned:

  1. Former President: You're likely referring to Olusegun Obasanjo, a former President of Nigeria who served from 1999 to 2007.
  2. Nigerian diaspora: The Nigerian diaspora refers to Nigerians living outside of Nigeria, often in countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and others.
  3. Charges FG: "FG" is an abbreviation for the Federal Government of Nigeria. It seems like the former President is making a charge or a call to action to the Nigerian government to take a specific action.
  4. Loosen boundaries: The former President is likely advocating for the Nigerian government to relax or loosen restrictions on food export, possibly to allow for more efficient and effective food trade.
  5. Food export: The focus is on food export, which could include agricultural products such as rice, beans, cassava, and others.

Some possible quotes or statements that the former President might have made include:

Please note that these are just possible quotes and not actual quotes from the former President. If you have any more information or context about the statement, I'd be happy to help you further.