Former chelsea forward not convinced by spikey lampard

You're referring to Didier Drogba, the legendary Ivorian striker who played for Chelsea from 2007 to 2012 and again from 2014 to 2015. Drogba has been quite vocal about his opinions on various football-related topics, including his former teammates and managers.

In a recent interview, Drogba expressed his doubts about Frank Lampard's ability to manage Chelsea effectively. Lampard, a Chelsea legend and Drogba's former teammate, took over as the Blues' manager in July 2019.

According to Drogba, Lampard's lack of experience as a manager was a concern, and he questioned whether the former midfielder had the necessary skills to succeed in the demanding world of top-flight football management.

Drogba also felt that Lampard's playing style, which emphasizes possession football and attacking flair, might not be the best fit for Chelsea's squad, which he believes is more suited to a more direct and physical approach.

It's worth noting that Drogba's comments were not entirely negative, as he acknowledged Lampard's qualities as a player and expressed his admiration for the former midfielder's achievements on the pitch. However, Drogba's reservations about Lampard's managerial abilities were clear, and his opinions sparked a lively debate among Chelsea fans and pundits alike.

What do you think about Drogba's comments? Do you agree or disagree with his assessment of Lampard's managerial abilities?