Former banker macron joins french presidential race

You're referring to the 2017 French presidential election!

Yes, you're correct. Emmanuel Macron, a former investment banker and economy minister, did indeed join the French presidential race in 2017. At the time, he was a relatively unknown figure, but he managed to surprise many by winning the election in the second round against Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Front.

Macron, who was then 39 years old, was a member of the centrist En Marche! party, which he founded in 2016. He had previously served as the Minister of Economy, Industry, and Digital Affairs in the government of President François Hollande from 2014 to 2016.

Macron's campaign focused on issues such as economic reform, European integration, and social justice. He promised to reform the French labor market, reduce unemployment, and increase economic growth. He also emphasized the need for a more united and stronger Europe.

Macron's victory was seen as a significant upset, as he was running against a candidate from the far-right National Front, which had never before come close to winning the presidency. His win was also seen as a rejection of the traditional left-right divide in French politics, as he positioned himself as a centrist candidate who was willing to take on the status quo.

Macron went on to become the youngest president in French history, and he has since implemented several significant reforms, including labor market reforms, pension reforms, and a reduction in the number of government ministries. He has also taken a strong stance on issues such as climate change, immigration, and terrorism.

Overall, Macron's election was a significant event in French politics, and it marked a turning point in the country's political landscape.