Format for writing a news script

Here is a general format for writing a news script:

I. Introduction

II. Lead

III. Body

IV. VOSOT (Voice of Someone Other Than the Anchor)

V. Anchor Wrap

VI. Closing

VII. Additional Elements

Scriptwriting Tips

Example of a News Script

Here is an example of a news script:

[Intro music plays]

Anchor: "Good evening, I'm [Anchor name] and this is [News program name]. Tonight, we're following up on a story that's been making headlines all week. A new report has been released showing that [briefly summarize the story]. We'll have more on that story in just a minute."

[Cut to VOSOT]

Interviewee: "I was shocked when I heard the news. I never thought it would happen to someone like me."

Anchor: "We'll be right back with more on this story. Stay tuned."

[Cut back to anchor]

Anchor: "Welcome back. We're continuing our coverage of the [story]. The report shows that [provide more details and facts]. We spoke with [expert] who says [quote]."

[Cut to VOSOT]

Expert: "This is a major concern for our community. We need to take action to [provide solution]."

Anchor: "We'll continue to follow this story and bring you updates as more information becomes available. That's all for tonight. Thank you for watching."

[Outro music plays]

Remember, this is just an example and the format may vary depending on the specific news program and style.