Forex trending news

Here are some of the trending news in the Forex market:

1. US-China Trade Talks Resume

The US-China trade talks have resumed, with both sides looking to reach a deal before the March 2 deadline. The talks are focused on resolving the ongoing trade dispute, which has had a significant impact on global markets.

2. US GDP Growth Slows

The US GDP growth rate slowed to 2.1% in the fourth quarter of 2019, down from 2.3% in the previous quarter. The slowdown is attributed to a decline in consumer spending and a decrease in business investment.

3. Brexit Uncertainty Continues

The UK and EU have agreed to extend the Brexit deadline to January 31, 2020. The uncertainty surrounding the Brexit process continues to impact the pound and other currencies.

4. Oil Prices Rise

Oil prices have risen due to a decline in global oil inventories and a decrease in US shale oil production. The rise in oil prices has had a positive impact on the Canadian dollar and other commodity-linked currencies.

5. ECB Keeps Interest Rates Unchanged

The European Central Bank (ECB) has kept its interest rates unchanged, citing a stable economic outlook. The decision has had a positive impact on the euro, which has strengthened against other major currencies.

6. US Job Market Remains Strong

The US job market remains strong, with the unemployment rate falling to 3.5% in December 2019. The strong job market has led to a rise in wages and a decrease in inflation, which has had a positive impact on the US dollar.

7. Australian Economy Contracts

The Australian economy has contracted for the first time in nearly three years, due to a decline in mining investment and a decrease in consumer spending. The contraction has had a negative impact on the Australian dollar.

8. Turkish Lira Weakens

The Turkish lira has weakened due to a decline in investor confidence and a rise in inflation. The weakness in the lira has had a positive impact on other emerging market currencies.

9. Japanese Economy Contracts

The Japanese economy has contracted for the first time in five years, due to a decline in exports and a decrease in business investment. The contraction has had a negative impact on the Japanese yen.

10. Cryptocurrency Market Volatility

The cryptocurrency market has experienced significant volatility, with the price of Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies fluctuating wildly. The volatility has led to a rise in trading activity and a increase in the use of cryptocurrencies as a hedge against market uncertainty.

These are just a few of the trending news stories in the Forex market. It's important to stay up-to-date with the latest news and events to make informed trading decisions.