Forex times for news

Here are some general guidelines for the best times to trade Forex news:

Major News Releases:

  1. European Session (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST):
    • European Central Bank (ECB) decisions and press conferences (usually on Thursdays)
    • Eurozone GDP, inflation, and employment reports
  2. US Session (8:30 AM - 12:00 PM EST):
    • US Federal Reserve (Fed) decisions and press conferences (usually on Wednesdays)
    • US GDP, inflation, and employment reports
    • Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) report (first Friday of each month)
  3. Asian Session (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST):
    • Japanese GDP, inflation, and employment reports
    • Chinese GDP, inflation, and employment reports

Lesser-Known News Releases:

  1. European Session:
    • UK GDP, inflation, and employment reports
    • German GDP, inflation, and employment reports
  2. US Session:
    • US durable goods orders, housing starts, and existing home sales reports
    • US consumer confidence and sentiment reports
  3. Asian Session:
    • Japanese retail sales and industrial production reports
    • Chinese retail sales and industrial production reports

Best Times to Trade:

  1. 15-30 minutes before and after major news releases: This is when market volatility is typically highest, and prices can move rapidly.
  2. During the European and US sessions: These are the most liquid and active trading sessions, with the most market participants.
  3. Just before and after major economic indicators: These are times when market expectations are high, and prices can react strongly to news.


  1. Stay informed: Keep an eye on economic calendars and news sources to stay up-to-date on upcoming news releases.
  2. Manage your risk: News trading can be high-risk, so make sure to set stop-losses and limit your position sizes.
  3. Be prepared for volatility: News releases can cause sudden and significant price movements, so be prepared to adapt your trading strategy accordingly.

Remember, trading news is a high-risk strategy, and it's essential to have a solid understanding of the markets and a well-thought-out trading plan before attempting to trade news.