Forex nigeria news school fees

Here are some recent news articles and updates on forex (foreign exchange) rates and school fees in Nigeria:

Forex Rates:

  1. Naira Weakens Against Dollar: The naira has continued to weaken against the US dollar, with the exchange rate now standing at around N415 to the dollar. This is due to a shortage of foreign exchange in the country. (Source: Punch)
  2. CBN Intervenes in Forex Market: The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has intervened in the foreign exchange market to stabilize the naira, injecting $210 million into the market. (Source: Vanguard)
  3. Forex Scarcity Hits Nigeria: The scarcity of foreign exchange in Nigeria has led to a surge in the prices of goods and services, with many businesses struggling to access dollars. (Source: ThisDay)

School Fees:

  1. School Fees Soar in Nigeria: School fees in Nigeria have increased significantly due to the economic crisis in the country. Many parents are struggling to pay the fees, which have risen by as much as 50%. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Private Schools Increase Fees: Many private schools in Nigeria have increased their fees by up to 20% due to the economic crisis. This has led to a surge in the number of students seeking scholarships. (Source: The Nation)
  3. Federal Government to Subsidize School Fees: The federal government has announced plans to subsidize school fees for students in public schools to make education more affordable. (Source: Premium Times)

Other News:

  1. Nigeria's Economy in Recession: Nigeria's economy has officially entered a recession, with the country's GDP contracting by 2.1% in the second quarter of the year. (Source: Bloomberg)
  2. Inflation Rate Rises: The inflation rate in Nigeria has risen to 11.37%, driven by the shortage of foreign exchange and the increase in prices of goods and services. (Source: NBS)
  3. Nigeria's Forex Reserves Fall: Nigeria's foreign exchange reserves have fallen to $44.4 billion, down from $46.4 billion in June. (Source: CBN)

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions!