Forex news events

Here are some of the most significant Forex news events that can impact currency markets:

Central Bank Decisions

  1. Federal Reserve (Fed) Interest Rate Decisions (USA)
  2. European Central Bank (ECB) Interest Rate Decisions (Eurozone)
  3. Bank of England (BoE) Interest Rate Decisions (UK)
  4. Bank of Japan (BoJ) Interest Rate Decisions (Japan)
  5. Swiss National Bank (SNB) Interest Rate Decisions (Switzerland)

Economic Indicators

  1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Reports (USA, Eurozone, UK, Japan, etc.)
  2. Inflation Rate Reports (USA, Eurozone, UK, Japan, etc.)
  3. Unemployment Rate Reports (USA, Eurozone, UK, Japan, etc.)
  4. Consumer Price Index (CPI) Reports (USA, Eurozone, UK, Japan, etc.)
  5. Retail Sales Reports (USA, Eurozone, UK, Japan, etc.)

Political Events

  1. US Presidential Elections
  2. European Parliament Elections
  3. UK General Elections
  4. Japanese General Elections
  5. Trade Agreements and Tariffs (e.g., US-China Trade War)

Geopolitical Events

  1. Conflicts and Wars (e.g., Ukraine-Russia, Middle East)
  2. Natural Disasters (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes)
  3. Terrorist Attacks
  4. Political Unrest (e.g., protests, coups)
  5. Sanctions and Embargoes

Other Significant Events

  1. Corporate Earnings Reports (e.g., Apple, Amazon, Google)
  2. Economic Surveys and Forecasts (e.g., IMF, World Bank)
  3. Currency Intervention (e.g., central banks buying or selling currencies)
  4. Market Volatility Events (e.g., flash crashes, market crashes)
  5. Regulatory Changes (e.g., changes to financial regulations, tax laws)

Important Dates

  1. First Friday of each month: US Non-Farm Payrolls Report
  2. Second Friday of each month: US Unemployment Rate Report
  3. Third Friday of each month: US GDP Report
  4. Last Friday of each month: US Consumer Price Index (CPI) Report
  5. Quarterly: European Central Bank (ECB) Interest Rate Decisions

Keep in mind that these are just some of the most significant Forex news events, and there may be other events that can impact currency markets. It's essential to stay informed and up-to-date with market news and analysis to make informed trading decisions.