Forex news cheatlist

Here is a list of some of the most important Forex news events and their potential impact on the market:

Weekly Events

  1. Federal Reserve (Fed) Interest Rate Decision: The Fed sets interest rates in the United States. A rate hike or cut can have a significant impact on the US dollar and global markets.
  2. European Central Bank (ECB) Interest Rate Decision: The ECB sets interest rates for the Eurozone. A rate hike or cut can affect the Euro and European markets.
  3. Bank of England (BoE) Interest Rate Decision: The BoE sets interest rates for the United Kingdom. A rate hike or cut can impact the British Pound and UK markets.
  4. Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP): The NFP report is a key indicator of the US labor market. A strong or weak report can impact the US dollar and global markets.
  5. GDP (Gross Domestic Product): GDP is a measure of a country's economic growth. Strong or weak GDP reports can impact currency values and global markets.

Monthly Events

  1. Consumer Price Index (CPI): The CPI measures inflation in a country. A high or low inflation rate can impact currency values and interest rates.
  2. Producer Price Index (PPI): The PPI measures inflation in the production process. A high or low PPI can impact currency values and interest rates.
  3. Retail Sales: Retail sales data measures consumer spending. Strong or weak retail sales can impact currency values and global markets.
  4. Industrial Production: Industrial production data measures the output of factories and mines. Strong or weak industrial production can impact currency values and global markets.

Quarterly Events

  1. Earnings Season: Earnings season is when companies report their quarterly earnings. Strong or weak earnings can impact stock prices and currency values.
  2. GDP Growth Rate: The GDP growth rate measures the rate of economic growth in a country. Strong or weak growth rates can impact currency values and global markets.

Other Events

  1. Geopolitical Events: Geopolitical events, such as wars, elections, or natural disasters, can impact currency values and global markets.
  2. Central Bank Meetings: Central bank meetings can impact interest rates, currency values, and global markets.
  3. Economic Indicators: Economic indicators, such as unemployment rates, inflation rates, and trade balances, can impact currency values and global markets.
  4. Company News: Company news, such as mergers and acquisitions, can impact stock prices and currency values.

Forex News Sources

  1. Reuters: Reuters is a leading news agency that provides up-to-date news and analysis on the Forex market.
  2. Bloomberg: Bloomberg is a leading financial news agency that provides news and analysis on the Forex market.
  3. FXStreet: FXStreet is a leading Forex news and analysis website that provides up-to-date news and analysis on the Forex market.
  4. Forex Factory: Forex Factory is a leading Forex news and analysis website that provides up-to-date news and analysis on the Forex market.
  5. The Wall Street Journal: The Wall Street Journal is a leading financial news agency that provides news and analysis on the Forex market.

Remember to always stay informed and up-to-date with the latest Forex news and analysis to make informed trading decisions.