Foreign investors chased away persistent probe #

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a situation where foreign investors are being driven away due to a persistent probe or investigation. Here's a possible completion of the sentence:

"Foreign investors chased away by persistent probe into corruption allegations, leading to a decline in foreign investment in the country."

In this scenario, the persistent probe into corruption allegations may be causing uncertainty and risk for foreign investors, leading them to withdraw their investments or avoid investing in the country altogether. This could have negative consequences for the country's economy, as foreign investment is often seen as a key driver of growth and development.

Some possible reasons for foreign investors to be chased away by a persistent probe include:

  1. Fear of corruption: If foreign investors perceive that a country has a high level of corruption, they may be less likely to invest there, as they may worry about being targeted for bribes or other forms of corruption.
  2. Uncertainty and risk: A persistent probe can create uncertainty and risk for foreign investors, making it difficult for them to make informed decisions about their investments.
  3. Damage to reputation: A persistent probe can damage a country's reputation, making it less attractive to foreign investors and potentially leading to a decline in foreign investment.
  4. Legal and regulatory risks: A persistent probe can also create legal and regulatory risks for foreign investors, making it difficult for them to comply with local laws and regulations.

Overall, a persistent probe into corruption allegations can have significant consequences for a country's economy and attractiveness to foreign investors.