Foreign affairs news articles

Here are some recent foreign affairs news articles from reputable sources:

Global Politics

  1. "U.S. and China Reach Trade Deal, Ending Tariffs" - The New York Times (January 15, 2020)
    • The United States and China have reached a trade deal, ending the tariffs imposed on each other's goods.
  2. "Iran's Supreme Leader Says U.S. 'Will Regret' Killing of Top General" - The Washington Post (January 3, 2020)
    • Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed revenge against the United States for the killing of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.
  3. "North Korea Fires Multiple Missiles, Defying International Pressure" - The Guardian (January 14, 2020)
    • North Korea has fired multiple missiles, defying international pressure to halt its nuclear and missile programs.

Middle East

  1. "Israel and Hamas Agree to Ceasefire in Gaza" - Al Jazeera (January 12, 2020)
    • Israel and Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza, ending a week of violence that killed dozens of Palestinians.
  2. "Saudi Arabia to Allow Women to Drive, Ending Ban" - The New York Times (June 24, 2018)
    • Saudi Arabia has announced that it will allow women to drive, ending a ban that has been in place for decades.
  3. "Syria's Civil War Enters 10th Year, with No End in Sight" - The Wall Street Journal (March 15, 2020)
    • Syria's civil war has entered its 10th year, with no end in sight despite international efforts to broker a peace deal.


  1. "China's Xi Jinping Vows to Defend 'One China' Principle" - The South China Morning Post (January 10, 2020)
    • Chinese President Xi Jinping has vowed to defend the "one China" principle, which claims Taiwan as part of China.
  2. "North Korea's Kim Jong-un Visits China, Seeking Support" - The Japan Times (January 8, 2020)
    • North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has visited China, seeking support and economic aid from its key ally.
  3. "India and Pakistan Trade Fire Across Border, Killing Dozens" - The Hindu (January 14, 2020)
    • India and Pakistan have traded fire across the border, killing dozens of people and sparking fears of a wider conflict.


  1. "Brexit Deal Reached, but UK and EU Still Face Many Challenges" - The Financial Times (January 17, 2020)
    • The United Kingdom and the European Union have reached a Brexit deal, but many challenges remain, including the future of the Irish border.
  2. "Russia's Putin and Ukraine's Zelensky Meet for First Time" - The Moscow Times (January 10, 2020)
    • Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have met for the first time, amid tensions over Ukraine's relations with Russia.
  3. "France and Germany Unveil Plan to Revive European Economy" - The Guardian (January 13, 2020)
    • France and Germany have unveiled a plan to revive the European economy, including a proposal for a European-wide minimum wage.


  1. "Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Wins Nobel Peace Prize" - The New York Times (October 11, 2019)
    • Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to promote peace and reconciliation in the region.
  2. "South Africa's ANC Party Wins Election, but Faces Challenges" - The Economist (May 10, 2019)
    • South Africa's African National Congress (ANC) party has won the election, but faces challenges including corruption and economic stagnation.
  3. "Libya's Civil War Enters New Phase, with Foreign Powers Involved" - The Wall Street Journal (January 14, 2020)
    • Libya's civil war has entered a new phase, with foreign powers including the United States, Russia, and Turkey involved in the conflict.

These are just a few examples of recent foreign affairs news articles.