Forbes fraud news

Here are some recent Forbes articles and news related to fraud:

Recent Articles:

  1. "The Most Common Types Of Fraud In Business" (February 2023) - This article highlights the most common types of fraud in business, including financial statement fraud, asset misappropriation, and corruption.
  2. "How To Detect And Prevent Fraud In Your Business" (January 2023) - This article provides tips and strategies for detecting and preventing fraud in your business, including implementing internal controls and conducting regular audits.
  3. "The Rise Of Fraud In The Digital Age" (December 2022) - This article discusses the increasing threat of fraud in the digital age, including phishing scams, identity theft, and online fraud schemes.

Recent News:

  1. "Forbes: Fraudsters Target Small Businesses With Phishing Scams" (February 2023) - According to a recent Forbes article, small businesses are being targeted by fraudsters using phishing scams to steal sensitive information and money.
  2. "SEC Charges Former CEO Of Forbes-Listed Company With Fraud" (January 2023) - The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged the former CEO of a Forbes-listed company with fraud, alleging that he made false statements to investors and manipulated the company's financial statements.
  3. "Forbes: Fraudulent Investment Scheme Bilked Investors Out Of Millions" (December 2022) - A recent Forbes article reports on a fraudulent investment scheme that allegedly bilked investors out of millions of dollars, with the perpetrators using fake investment opportunities and false promises to lure in victims.

Fraud Cases:

  1. "Enron Scandal: A Look Back At The Largest Corporate Fraud In History" (February 2023) - This article provides a retrospective on the Enron scandal, which was one of the largest corporate frauds in history, resulting in the collapse of the energy company and the loss of thousands of jobs.
  2. "Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme: A Look Back At The Infamous Fraud" (January 2023) - This article provides a retrospective on the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme, which was one of the most infamous frauds in history, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars for thousands of investors.
  3. "The Wells Fargo Fake Accounts Scandal: A Look Back At The Bank's Fraudulent Practices" (December 2022) - This article provides a retrospective on the Wells Fargo fake accounts scandal, which was a major fraud scandal that resulted in the bank being fined millions of dollars and facing widespread criticism.

I hope this information is helpful!