Football pool news and draws facebook

Here are some Facebook groups and pages related to football pools and draws:

Football Pool Groups:

  1. Football Pool News and Results - A group with over 12,000 members where you can find news, results, and updates on various football pools.
  2. Football Pools Draw Results - A group with over 5,000 members where you can find the latest draw results and news on various football pools.
  3. Football Pool Tips and Results - A group with over 3,000 members where you can find tips, results, and news on various football pools.

Football Pool Pages:

  1. Football Pools - A page with over 10,000 followers where you can find news, results, and updates on various football pools.
  2. Football Pool Results - A page with over 5,000 followers where you can find the latest draw results and news on various football pools.
  3. Pool Results - A page with over 2,000 followers where you can find the latest draw results and news on various football pools.

Football Pool Apps:

  1. Football Pools App - A mobile app where you can play various football pools and receive notifications on results and updates.
  2. Pool Results App - A mobile app where you can find the latest draw results and news on various football pools.

Football Pool Websites:

  1. Football - A website that provides news, results, and updates on various football pools.
  2. - A website that provides the latest draw results and news on various football pools.
  3. - A website that provides the latest draw results and news on various football pools.

Please note that these are just a few examples, and there may be many more Facebook groups, pages, apps, and websites related to football pools and draws.