Food sustainability news articles

Here are some recent news articles on food sustainability:

  1. "Food waste reduction: A global challenge" by Food Tank (March 2023)

This article highlights the global issue of food waste, which is estimated to be one-third of all food produced. It discusses the impact of food waste on the environment, economy, and society, and explores solutions such as reducing food waste in households, improving food storage and transportation, and creating food waste reduction policies.

Source: Food Tank

  1. "Sustainable agriculture: The key to feeding a growing population" by The Guardian (February 2023)

This article discusses the need for sustainable agriculture practices to meet the growing demand for food while minimizing the environmental impact. It highlights the importance of regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, and permaculture, and explores the role of technology and policy in supporting sustainable agriculture.

Source: The Guardian

  1. "Plant-based diets can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions" by Science Daily (January 2023)

This article reports on a study that found that plant-based diets can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50%. It discusses the environmental benefits of plant-based diets, including reduced land use, water use, and energy consumption.

Source: Science Daily

  1. "Food system transformation: A necessary step towards sustainability" by The World Economic Forum (December 2022)

This article highlights the need for a transformation of the global food system to address issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and food insecurity. It discusses the importance of sustainable agriculture, reduced food waste, and improved food distribution and consumption patterns.

Source: The World Economic Forum

  1. "Vertical farming: A sustainable solution for urban food production" by Forbes (November 2022)

This article explores the benefits of vertical farming, a method of growing crops in vertically stacked layers. It discusses the advantages of vertical farming, including reduced land use, increased crop yields, and improved water efficiency.

Source: Forbes

  1. "Food labeling: A key tool for promoting sustainable food choices" by The New York Times (October 2022)

This article discusses the importance of food labeling in promoting sustainable food choices. It highlights the role of labels such as "organic" and "non-GMO" in informing consumers about the environmental and social impacts of their food choices.

Source: The New York Times

  1. "Sustainable seafood: A growing concern for the ocean's future" by National Geographic (September 2022)

This article explores the importance of sustainable seafood practices to protect the world's oceans. It discusses the impact of overfishing, pollution, and climate change on marine ecosystems, and highlights the role of consumers, restaurants, and governments in promoting sustainable seafood.

Source: National Geographic

  1. "Food waste reduction: A business opportunity" by Bloomberg (August 2022)

This article discusses the business opportunities in reducing food waste. It highlights the economic benefits of reducing food waste, including cost savings and revenue generation, and explores the role of technology and innovation in reducing food waste.

Source: Bloomberg

  1. "Sustainable agriculture: A key to addressing climate change" by The Conversation (July 2022)

This article discusses the role of sustainable agriculture in addressing climate change. It highlights the importance of regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, and permaculture in sequestering carbon, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting biodiversity.

Source: The Conversation

  1. "Food system resilience: A critical component of sustainable development" by The United Nations (June 2022)

This article highlights the importance of food system resilience in achieving sustainable development. It discusses the need for a resilient food system that can withstand shocks, such as climate change, and promote sustainable agriculture, reduced food waste, and improved food security.

Source: The United Nations