Fonts that look like times new roman

Times New Roman is a classic font, and there are many alternatives that share similar characteristics. Here are some fonts that resemble Times New Roman:

  1. Garamond: A popular serif font that is often used as a substitute for Times New Roman. It has a similar x-height and letterform structure.
  2. Georgia: A serif font designed by Matthew Carter in 1993, Georgia is often used in digital publishing due to its readability and similarity to Times New Roman.
  3. Baskerville: Another classic serif font, Baskerville has a similar elegance and sophistication to Times New Roman, with a slightly more ornate feel.
  4. Bookman Old Style: A serif font with a similar feel to Times New Roman, Bookman Old Style has a more traditional, classic look.
  5. ITC Garamond: A digital version of the classic Garamond font, ITC Garamond is a popular alternative to Times New Roman.
  6. Perpetua: A serif font with a similar structure to Times New Roman, Perpetua has a more elegant and refined feel.
  7. Merriweather: A modern serif font with a similar feel to Times New Roman, Merriweather is a popular choice for body text.
  8. Playfair Display: A elegant serif font with a similar flair to Times New Roman, Playfair Display is often used for headings and titles.
  9. Cochin: A serif font with a similar feel to Times New Roman, Cochin has a more traditional, classic look.
  10. Adobe Garamond: A digital version of the classic Garamond font, Adobe Garamond is a popular alternative to Times New Roman.

Keep in mind that each of these fonts has its own unique characteristics, so you may need to experiment to find the one that best suits your needs.