Fonts like courier new

If you like Courier New, you may also like these fonts that share similar characteristics:

  1. Monaco: A monospaced font designed for coding and programming, similar to Courier New.
  2. Lucida Console: A monospaced font designed for coding and programming, with a similar aesthetic to Courier New.
  3. Consolas: A monospaced font designed for coding and programming, with a modern twist on the classic Courier New style.
  4. Andale Mono: A monospaced font designed for coding and programming, with a similar feel to Courier New.
  5. Fixedsys: A monospaced font with a similar design to Courier New, but with a more modern and sleek appearance.
  6. Courier Prime: A modern take on the classic Courier font, with a more refined and elegant appearance.
  7. DejaVu Sans Mono: A monospaced font with a similar design to Courier New, but with a more modern and clean appearance.
  8. Bitstream Vera Sans Mono: A monospaced font with a similar design to Courier New, but with a more modern and elegant appearance.
  9. Inconsolata: A monospaced font designed for coding and programming, with a similar feel to Courier New.
  10. PragmataPro: A monospaced font designed for coding and programming, with a modern and elegant appearance similar to Courier New.

These fonts are all available for free or for a small fee, and can be used for personal or commercial projects.