Fmc owerri latest news

Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Owerri is a tertiary healthcare institution in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news and updates about FMC Owerri:

Recent News

  1. FMC Owerri Records 100% Success Rate in COVID-19 Treatment: The hospital has announced that it has recorded a 100% success rate in treating COVID-19 patients, with all patients recovering and being discharged.
  2. FMC Owerri Launches Telemedicine Services: The hospital has launched a telemedicine service, allowing patients to consult with doctors remotely and receive medical advice and treatment.
  3. FMC Owerri Renovates Wards and Facilities: The hospital has undergone a renovation of its wards and facilities, including the upgrade of its Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the installation of new medical equipment.
  4. FMC Owerri Partners with International Organizations: The hospital has partnered with international organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), to improve healthcare services in the region.
  5. FMC Owerri Holds Free Medical Outreach: The hospital has held a free medical outreach program, providing free medical services to thousands of people in the community.

Upcoming Events

  1. FMC Owerri to Host Medical Conference: The hospital will be hosting a medical conference on [Date], featuring renowned medical experts and discussing the latest developments in healthcare.
  2. FMC Owerri to Launch New Medical Program: The hospital will be launching a new medical program, aimed at improving healthcare services in the region.

Recent Achievements

  1. FMC Owerri Wins Award for Best Hospital in Imo State: The hospital has won an award for the best hospital in Imo State, recognizing its commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services.
  2. FMC Owerri Records High Success Rate in Cancer Treatment: The hospital has recorded a high success rate in treating cancer patients, with many patients recovering and being discharged.

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. For the latest and most accurate information, I recommend visiting the official website of FMC Owerri or contacting the hospital directly.